As you probably noticed, us gals have been unusually silent lately. Just to reassure you, we’re still alive and doing perfectly well. Phew. Yes, you can relax. 

The truth of the matter is, we are on freakin’ summer holidays! :)

Anita is currently enjoying Ibiza & Formentera with Marly, whom you already met on the blog. I hear they are having an amazing time. Who said beach babes?

As for me, I’m leaving tomorrow morning to Italy, Umbria more precisely (my grand-father’s region). Going to spend time with my beloved siblings and family in a house located in the middle of the umbrian countryside. No internet, no computer for 10 days. My inner geek feels like checking into rehab or something and yet, it totally sounds good. The weather forecast announces 36° for Sunday – I can already see myself in the pool!

Actually, every time I am travelling somewhere, I think: ok, so Sara this time you will pack a few days in advance, to make sure you can think about what to take and what not. What truly happens is: I end up packing at the very last minute. As a result, my suitcase is full of unnecessary items that I just threw in it due to the lack of time.

Another phenomenon I have observed is that I tend to underestimate my compulsive shopping issues. I take a lot of clothes with me “in case I might just need that one particular dress”, and then when I am on spot, I buy other stuff which inevitably replace the clothes I carried with me in the beginning. This also applies to shoes. Ah, will I ever learn?

Does this sound familiar to anyone? I bet it does.   

So where are you going for your summer holidays?
Wherever this may be, enjoy it to the max. 
