So I thought: what better plan on a Thursday night in Paris than to party with the MTV crew and journalist Raphäl? To me, none.
Boy was I wrong…

I had convinced my friend Eglantine to go with me, although she had warned me that it was not going to be all that. 
Guuurl was she right…

After queuing for 20 minutes, we were there. Were we at the right place? Was this it?

While sipping our overpriced drinks, we listened to some whateverish radio music so low that we could even whisper and still hear each other.

So maybe we got there a bit late. But weren’t Antipop from télépopmusik & Arnaud Rebotini from Black Strobe supposed to rock the place?

The highlight of our soirée turned out to be a photo booth. Sara, you didn’t miss a thing.
