It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new life… Y’all know the words by the great Nina Simone. Y’all also know how sometimes, some lyrics just perfectly describe one’s moments in life.

So, ever since I knew I had to do it, I’ve been thinking about how I would write this short announcement. Last Saturday, I was waiting for my turn at the hairdresser salon and I was going through the pages of Marie-Claire. I came accross this article, and felt I had to snap a pic to post it here… ^^

Not that I feel I am a conquerant setting my sights on the City of Lights, but I thought it was a nice way of putting it. Especially since more and more Belgians are perceived as cool and witty people in the French audiovisual & cultural landscape (was about damn time). Anyhow, that’s not the point of this post. 

The point is, I am moving to Paris. Becoming some kind of mix between a Brusselsprout and a Champignon de Paris. Parisprout?

It’s what happens when the stars align and things fall into place. Housing, work & love have combined in such a way that my road leads me to Paris. As for The Brusselsprouts, my dear Anita will keep up the awesome blogging work she’s been doing here in Brussels, while I will try to add a Parisian touch to our blog. We love what we do and we want to continue this journey together. 

So that’s it Sprouters, get ready for it, I hope you love Paris as much as I do! I leave you with the picture here above, which is a view from my future appartment’s window. Gotta catch that train! 

P.S: Brussels will always be my home.
