
Last week, Nancy & I went to the Photobox Evening at Zoom Hotel. Photobox invited us to discover the realm of possibility offered by their online platform. At first I thought we’d see the usual photobooks, posters and mugs. So when we saw all the goodies we could make, from snowballs to cushions, phone covers and mousepads, we were like two kids in Disneyland! They had set up a little studio too, so we could disguise, change the background and use our funny pictures to order whatever we wanted. Also, I can’t think of a most suited place to organise such an evening! The zoom hotel is all about photography and old cameras, to be precise.

A D O R E D  E V E R Y  T H I N G  A B O U T  I T ! (wonder if I should book a room, for more fun)

Spoiler alert: I already know where I’m getting some of my Christmas gifts!

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