O’Ren is an Antwerp-based ready-to-wear label mixing street fashion with retro elements and a touch of glitter. Needless to say I am absolutely in love with it. Their collections are super rad, quirky and creative. The two O’Ren designers Michael Wauman and Nathan Murillo have a sheer sense of rock’n fashion. It’s bling meets chic. Sequins and cotton. Subversive and so in. It’s “youth gone wild”! Belgium has indeed given them a warm welcome into its wardrobes. Proof: their sweaters are sold out even before going on sale. I had to be on a waiting list to get one of mines. Their statement quotes on tees and sweatshirts probably account for some of this fever. Playful and badass. I sure had fun trying on some pieces of their “cruel summmer” collection. I even took them for a trip to Berlin! Below a short interview with the two O’Ren boys and some of the pics from the photoshoots in Brussels and Berlin.
Pictures credit: C. Hansen and N. Ripka
Anita: How was O’Rèn born?
O’Ren boys: Launched in 2014, the brand has its roots in Antwerp, Belgium. We met during our studies at the fashion academy, and soon found each other in a common style, but after our studies we both went our own way. For some time both Michael and Nathan separately worked as stylists for all kinds of TV productions . As the years passed by, the urge to create an own collection brought us back together. From the beginning our goal was very clear : The brand had to bring cool, chic and affordable pieces for the cool girls and guys in town; A label that captures the spirit of youth gone wild.
A: Your own definition of fashion
O’: Fashion is very spacious and interpreted differently from different views and perspectives. We don’t believe in stereotypical thinking and get drawn to people that think outside the box, We also usually get inspired by several creative individuals on the street scene. Street style has become such an important thing today, along with social media, it gives one a platform to be creative and express his/her individuality. The trends and hypes are set on the streets, that’s where fashion lays and lives, that’s what defines our generation and our brand today.
A: You chose French in your collections. Why?
O’: We currently play with both English and French quotes, but chose for French spontaneously while designing our first #TB collection, since it is one of the main languages in Belgium, but also for the simple reason that French sounds cool, adds a ‘pinch’ of ‘chique’ and sounds catchy, not unimportant for tongue-in-cheek quotes :)
A: How would you dress Charles Michel for a gala party?
O’: Being a politician, we assume Charles Michel would rather go for a suit or tuxedo if attending a gala event. The moment we will spot the prime minister in one of our #TeamBelgium sweaters, we might consider thinking about creating something cool for a specific occasion ;)