On Saturday morning we paid a visit to one of the Brussels’ classics: Maison du Peuple, in Parvis de Saint Gilles.

MdP (House of the people) used to be a major bulding for the progressive Belgian workers party. And one of the few left standing, at that.

The opening of the MdP café marked a turning point in the neighbourhood’s history and featured the beginning of Saint-Gilles’ gentrification. It’s become a bit bobo as the French say. We love it. If you’re lucky, you may stumble upon the Market, which is quite cheap and boasts a wide variety of fruits and veggies.

The service is at the bar, so now you can avoid sitting and waiting for 10′ for the waiter who’ll never come. As we did.

The place is quite huge and has an industrial feel to it. Almost in remembrance of its trade unionist past.

There is still something solemn to the place and I once got into quite the existentialist conversation with a friend. We were discussing the world’s fate. At the time, I was a staunch pessimist and thought our planet was doomed, while he was the eternal optimist believing in the good in people. I remember how upset he got with me. He almost left me there talking to myself. Now he doesn’t return my messages. I guess it was our friendship that was doomed…

Sara & I worked on some ideas while sipping coffee and observing the people.

Although it was an overall fine experience, we thought that them running out of croissants at 11 was pushing it a bit. Ok, I have carb issues. I need me some pâtisseries on the weekends. So sew me.

Brussels welcomed us back on its streets with some more rain, just to keep up with the routine. But that was fine, we were prepared. Sort of. Altough Sara could have used some rubber boots.

By the way, I have no idea where that umbrella came from. I think I might have stolen it some place. So if you happen to be the righteous owner, I’ll be glad to give it back. Unless it happens to be raining ;)

Anita & Sara