Sometimes being a lone wolf roaming the streets of a cherished place is a pleasant endeavour. Today, I was a vagabond in the Streets of my beloved city. And boy did I enjoy it. I cruised through the Scheunenviertel hunting for pictures. The endless and vain quest to capture pieces of life.

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Since I was here in summer, the leaves have turned shades of ocre and red. This colour sure suits you Berlin. It’s not cold yet. The streets are emptier though. More of city for my greedy greedy self.

herbst tageschau

I will admit that sometimes you get so overwhelmed with the vibes of a place that you wih you had someone to share that OhMyGodness with. But my companions for the weekend hadn’t arrived yet, so I had to play alone -well, with my reflection. Do you see me?

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As you can see, I wasn’t the only one out to play.


I probably already said it and you’ll have to excuse me and my Berlin infatuation…but this city just has it all…-except the beach and the Eiffel Tour. But who needs the beach in Autumn and who needs the Eiffel Tower, like ever?

graffiti lettestr.

One minute it’s fun. The next it’s darker and has shows you all the shades of grey.


Then it’s light again.

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It’s playful. Yet never dumb. Walls are covered with poetry. Painted poetry.

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You can’t go to Berlin and stay the same. It’s restlessly telling you something. Sometimes, things you may not want to hear :)


With all these images and moments in my mind, I walked to the lovely appartment we rented out on Prenzlauerallee.


I think that exit old light is fantastic but when I saw the book on Chanel topping the book pile, that’s when I knew I would have to stay in for a little while…

collage appart
