Sometimes, you go out with high expectations. Other times, you go out with no expectations at all. Tuesday was an evening of that kind. It is worth mentionning, because, excuse us, but Tuesday is actually the worst day of the week. Your past week-end already feels like ages ago and the next one is still out of sight. So yeah, pretty much the lamest day ever.
Credit: Chris Lee |
But hey, last week, we found the perfect antidote, a very special recipe to make it feel as great and fun as a Friday. And we didn’t even know that beforehand ^^
Credit: Chris Lee |
is an afterwork drink concept organised by Jan, FIlippo & JT. It took place in the beautiful Autoworld Brasserie, which is part of the Musée du Cinquantenaire complex.
That day they even offered free bubbles from 6 p.m. but we gals arrived too late for that. Oh well, in the end it wasn’t that big of a miss since we made up for it very quickly. As a matter of fact, soon after choosing our little corner of the bar to chill at, guess who appeared behind us? No other than JT himself. What a pleasant impromptu encounter we must say.
Credit: Chris Lee |
Credit: Chris Lee |
You will know, JT knows everyone in Brussels. After our catching up chat, he introduced us to some of the people in Bar Mardi… and kinda got us a bit tipsy. Both of us gals went home in questionable shape. But we’ll forgive him this once. After all, Thank God it’s Tuesday! ^^
Credi: Chris Lee |
And by the way, Bar Mardi will have a special edition, so if you’re in Brussels for the occasion, do not miss it!
Credit: Chris Lee |
Anita & Sara